Complied by FishSafe:
It is important to note that there are currently no unique protocols for employers or workers in the commercial fishing industry as it relates to managing the COVID-19 crisis. This could change, but at the current time directives from both federal and provincial authorities apply equally to commercial fishing.
WorkSafeBC has consolidated instructions for employers on their website here:
Important to note are the instructions designed to prevent the spread of the virus:
Employers should ensure that the following workers do not come to work:
Anyone with COVID‐19-like symptoms such as sore throat, fever, sneezing, or coughing must self‐isolate at home for 14 days.
Workers who have travelled internationally. In these cases, they must remain away from the workplace for at least 14 days.
Workers who share a residence with a person who has been exposed to COVID-19.
Workers who have been exposed to anyone confirmed to have COVID-19, or to anyone with possible symptoms of COVID-19, should call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 for an assessment and to determine any necessary next steps.
Although challenging to apply in a fishing vessel environment, instructions for social and physical distancing and other preventative measures apply to all employers in commercial fishing at this time, as follows:
If it is necessary for workers to come to work, employers should take steps to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
The priority should be to take steps to ensure social and physical distancing is practiced in your workplace, including:
If practicable, reconfiguring the workplace to maintain appropriate distance between workers.
Limiting worker participation in in-person gatherings and encouraging practices like teleconferences as an alternative.
Limiting worker travel.
Additional measures will depend on the workplace, but would generally include:
Educating workers on health and safety measures to prevent transmission of infectious disease.
Increase workplace cleaning, provide the necessary supplies, and reinforce personal hygiene messages to workers.
Finally, a useful COVID-19 self-assessment tool has been launched and is available here: