On May 26, 2020 Canada and the United States concluded the negotiation on the renewal of the fishing regime under the Pacific Albacore Treaty with the United States. Canada and the United States agreed to renew the previous fishing regime for an additional three years, until December 31, 2022. Governments will be administratively applying the regime so that the fishing season can begin on June 15, 2020. The core elements of the fishing regime remain unchanged. 45 Canadian vessels (those with USA68 licence eligibilities #1-45) will be permitted to fish Pacific Albacore Tuna in USA waters, outside the 12 nautical mile territorial sea, from June 15 to September 15 each year. An undefined number of USA vessels will be permitted to fish Pacific Albacore Tuna in Canadian waters, outside the 12 nautical mile territorial sea, from June 15 to October 31 each year. Given the delay in the establishment of the new fishing regime, the USA has agreed to extend the deadline for Canada to provide the fixed "seasonal list" of 45 Canadian vessels permitted to access USA waters and ports. DFO is therefore once again accepting applications for USA68 vessel replacements. The deadline to submit applications for vessel replacement for the 2020 Albacore Tuna (USA68) fishery for commercial licence eligibilities 1 - 45 has been extended. Applications will be accepted through the National Online Licensing (NOLS) https://fishing-peche.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ system from: Friday, May 29 to Monday, June 15, 2020. Applications submitted after June 15, 2020 will NOT be accepted. The current list of vessels with USA68 eligibilities #1-45 can be found at: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/commercial/pelagic-pelagique/tuna-thon/docs/vessels-vaisseaux/canada-2019-eng.html Application to replace a commercial vessel: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/licence-permis/forms/repl-rempl-comm-vess-bat-eng.pdf Vessel Replacement Guidelines: -USA68 licences are not married to any other vessel based licences; -a single vessel may hold more than one USA68 licence eligibility; -vessel replacements are not permitted during the fishing period of June 15th to September 15th; -increases in overall vessel length are not permitted in association with any USA68 licence replacements; -vessel replacements related to USA68 licences 1 through 45 must be placed on a vessel that already holds a USA68 licence (e.g., USA68 1 through 179). -vessel replacements related to USA68 licences 46 through 179 may be placed on a vessel that does not already hold a USA68 licence. Please be advised that there is no guarantee that the USA68 licence eligibility may be replaced to another vessel in the future.